Management APIs
Customers may make use of HTTPS management APIs for specific administrative operations in GreenRADIUS. These allow customers to write their own frontend software to administer their GreenRADIUS instance.
This document lists the endpoints for these APIs and provides examples of how to call each one.
All of these APIs require that the management API password be configured. You can do this by executing the following command from the shell on your GreenRADIUS instance:
sudo docker exec -it GRVA-MAIN changepassword grsapiusr
All requests require parameters to be supplied in the request body as a JSON structure. The Content-Type
of the request must be set to application/json
. Authentication is required for each request in the form of BasicAuth username/password tokens.
For example, to call the API from Python, you could use the following:
import requests
HOST = ''
auth = ('grsapiusr', 'GreenRocket!23'),
json = {
"yubikeys" : [
"make": "Yubico OTP",
"serialno": 3014781,
"publicname": "ddvcuttiuejt",
"internalname": "8b428d0f016f",
"aeskey": "a55adb9c4da2ad57c529737fd4d5ecd0"
The APIs are:
- Import a YubiKey Token
- Delete a YubiKey
- Delete an OATH Token
- Assign a Token
- Assign an OATH Token
- Unassign a Token
- Request Token Assignments/Status
- Request Authentication Records
- List Block/Unblock Status
- Unblock Users
- Enable Token Assignment
- Disable Token Assignment
- Add a Temporary Token
- Update a Temporary Token
- Delete a Temporary Token
- Get Temporary Token Information
Reporting Batch Results
Many of the endpoints allow one to send multiple entries as part of a single request. For example, the YubiKey Import endpoint enables you to send several YubiKey token entries with one request. When this happens, it is possible for some of the assignment requests to succeed and some to fail. Therefore, these endpoints use result batches to report the results of individual logins, rather than reporting the entire batch as a single success or failure.
A result batch is a JSON structure with the following entries:
"count": 2,
"records": {...}
The count
is either an integer or a string (callers must expect either.) It indicates the number of results in this batch. The records
entry is a JSON structure, unless count
is 0, in which case it is the empty list []
. It will contain count
key-value pairs, each of which represents the result of one of the entries in the initial request. The value will vary depending on which type of batch and which endpoint; the key is always a string (not an int) of the index, starting from 1, of the request in the initial list passed to the endpoint.
For example: say a fictional endpoint square
, which computes N2, is called with five individual entries:
"numbers": [
"invalid input",
The result might be two result batches, one containing successes and one containing failures:
"numbers_squared": {
"count": 3,
"records": {
"1": 25,
"2": 4,
"4": 36
"numbers_invalid": {
"count": 1,
"records": {
"3": {...}
would be an error structure, as described below.
When multiple entries are returned by any endpoint, you have the option to request that the results are paged: that is, rather than returning all the entries in one request you can fetch them in slices.
To prevent denial of service, all entry batches are truncated to 10,000 records: no endpoint will return more than 10,000 records at once. This means you must implement batch handling if you need to deal with more than 10,000 results.
To use paging, specify the following two options in the JSON parameters to the endpoint you are using:
Key | Value Type | Value Description |
offset | Int | The offset from which to start the returned records. |
limit | Int | The maximum number of records to return. |
For example, if a query produces 50,000 thousand results, you can fetch the first 10,000 with:
"offset": 0,
"limit": 10000
Then, send another request with the same parameters except the next value of offset
"offset": 10000,
"limit": 10000
Once a return value contains fewer than limit
requests, you have reached the end of the available entries.
Error Reporting
Error Structure
Errors are reported as a structure with the following entries.
Key | Value Type | Value Description |
code | Int | An integer numerical code describing the error. |
short | String | A short, non-user-friendly description of the error. |
description | String | A longer, more user-friendly description of the error. |
Table of Error Codes
Code | Error |
4000 | The Content-Type of the request is not application/json . |
4001 | One of the input parameters is invalid. |
4002 | A required input parameter is missing. |
5000 | No user found. |
5001 | The user already has the maximum number of tokens allowed. |
5002 | The token is already assigned to the user. |
5003 | Assigning a token to a user failed. |
5004 | The requested YubiKey token is not present. |
5005 | The maximum number of users has been exceeded. |
5006 | The token could not be assigned because user-level authentication failed due to invalid credentials. |
5007 | Token assignment failed for an unspecified reason. |
5008 | Token assignment failed because the token does not exist. |
5026 | The requested assignment was not found. |
5051 | The YubiKey token is already present. |
Import a YubiKey Token
This endpoint imports a new YubiKey token. The token will not be assigned to any user, but it will be added to the GreenRADIUS database.
Request Type: POST
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/import_token/yubikey
"yubikeys" : [...]
Each item in the provided list of YubiKeys must be a JSON structure with the following elements:
Attribute | Type | Description |
make | String | The make of this particular token. Should always be set to "Yubico OTP" . |
serialno | Int | The serial number of the YubiKey. |
publicname | String | The key's public ID. |
internalname | String | The key's private ID. |
aeskey | String | The secret AES-128 key associated with the YubiKey. |
Return Values
If the request parameter is valid and adheres to the specified format, the endpoint will return a JSON structure similar to the following:
"records_imported": {...},
"records_invalid": {...},
"records_skipped": {...}
Each of records_imported
, records_invalid
, and records_skipped
will contain a request batch structure. Within this records_imported
structure, each record in the batch will be a structure with keys status
, make
, serialno
, and publicname
. The latter three elements are the same ones that were passed in; the status
attribute is always set to "success"
For failed requests (this includes both records_invalid
and records_skipped
), the value will be an error entry. Attempting to import a key that is already present in the database is considered an error; that key will be counted in records_skipped
For an error which makes it impossible to parse the key import requests (such as, for example, the yubikeys
parameter is missing entirely or is the wrong type) then the request value will simply be an error structure.
Delete a YubiKey
This endpoint deletes a YubiKey from the database.
Request Type: DELETE
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/delete_token/yubikey
"deletealways": false,
"yubikeys": [...]
Parameter | Type | Description |
deletealways | Bool | If true , the YubiKeys will be deleted even if they are currently assigned to users. If false , those requests will instead produce error entries. This parameter is optional and defaults to false . |
yubikeys | List | A list of YubiKeys to delete. Each YubiKey is a JSON structure with a single entry publicname , which is the Public ID of the YubiKey. |
Return Values
If the request is validly formed, the response will be a JSON structure of the form:
"records_deleted": {...},
"records_invalid": {...},
"records_skipped": {...}
Each of these is a batch structure; records_invalid
and records_skipped
contain an error structure for each failed deletion. records_deleted
contains a batch structure, whose individual entries are of the following form:
"status": "success",
"publicname": "..."
will be the public name of the deleted key.
If the request is not validly formed, the response will be an error structure.
Delete an OATH Token
This endpoint deletes an OATH token from the database.
Request Type: DELETE
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/delete_token/oath
"deletealways": false,
"oathTokens": [...]
Parameter | Type | Description |
deletealways | Bool | If true , the tokens will be deleted even if they are currently assigned to users. If false , those requests will instead produce error entries. This parameter is optional and defaults to false . |
oathTokens | List | A list of OATH tokens to delete. Each token is a JSON structure with a single entry publicname , which is the ID of the OATH token as shown in the database (of the form nnnnnnnn:N ). |
Return Values
The return structure is identical to the Delete a YubiKey endpoint described above.
Assign a Token
The endpoint assigns tokens to users. Unlike the YubiKey import endpoint, it is not restricted to Yubikeys; this endpoint works for any token type except OATH/TOTP tokens. For those, there is a special endpoint; see below.
Request Type: POST
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/mappings
"assignments" : [
Each assignment entry should be a structure with the following elements:
Attribute | Type | Description |
username | String | The target user to assign the key to. This must be supplied in user@domain format. |
publicname | String | The public ID of the token to assign to the user. |
Return Values
Like the other endpoints, this returns a single error structure if the input is invalid. However, it does not return regular batch structures on success. Instead, the output is in the following format:
"assignments": [...]
Each item in the assignments
list corresponds to one of the entries in the original request. These are structures with two entries, input
and output
. The input
attribute is the input that was submitted for this entry (i.e. a structure with username
and publicname
attributes). The output
attribute is a structure. This structure is always guaranteed to have one attribute status
, whose value will be either "success"
or "failed
". If the assignment failed, the structure will also be an error structure, with code
,and description
attributes. If the assignment succeeded, the structure will contain a msg
attribute with a success message.
If the token is already assigned to a user - even if they are the same as the target of the assignment request - the request will fail.
Assign an OATH Token
This endpoint assigns OATH/TOTP tokens (e.g. an Authenticator token) to users.
Request Type: POST
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/mappings/oath
Parameters and Return Value
The parameters and return value for this endpoint are identical in structure to those of the endpoint above ("Assign a Token"); however, the "publicname" specified in the records should be the identifier for an OATH/TOTP token already present in the system (i.e. visible in the List Tokens tab of the web administration console).
Unassign a Token
This endpoint un-assigns tokens that are currently assigned to users.
Request Type: DELETE
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/mappings
"users": [
Each entry to unassign should be a structure with either of the two following keys (you need not supply both):
Attribute | Type | Description |
username | String | The username to un-assign from, in user@domain format. |
publicname | String | The public ID of the token to un-assign. |
Remember, for each unassignment, you only need to supply either the user or the token!
Return Value
Like the Assign a Token endpoint, this endpoint returns a structure in this format:
"users": [...]
Each item in the users
list corresponds to one of the input entries. These entries are structures with input
and output
attributes, with input
again holding the input value for this entry. The output
value is either an error structure, if the given entry failed to unassign, or a structure in one of two formats.
If the entry unassigned by username, its corresponding output struct will have the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
status | String | For successful unassignments, holds "success" . |
username | String | The input username. |
tokens_unassigned | List of strings | A list of all tokens unassigned from the user. |
If the entry unassigned by token ID, its output struct will look like this instead:
Attribute | Type | Description |
status | String | For successful unassignments, holds "success" . |
publicname | String | The input public ID of the token. |
users_unassigned | List of strings | A list of all users the token was unassigned from. |
Request Token Assignments / Status
This endpoint returns a list of user-token mappings matching the given criteria.
Request Type: GET
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/tokenassignment
All parameters are optional. You may supply one, more than one, or none. Supplying no parameters will match all assignments.
Parameter | Type | Description |
token_id | List of strings | A list of Token IDs to match against. |
username | List of strings | A list of user names to match against. These must be provided in user@domain format. |
token_type | List of strings | A list of token types to match against. The following values are accepted: yubikey , oath-totp , oath-hotp , u2f , and m2f . Multiple values may be supplied. |
assigned_before | Int | A "latest date" for any assignment. Matches only assignments earlier than this date. Provided as a number of seconds since 00:00:00 on 1 Jan 1970 in the server's timezone. |
assigned_after | Int | An "earliest date" for any assignment, in the same format as assigned_before . |
Return Value
The return value will be a map with three main elements of interest: records_with_mappings
, records_without_mappings
, and records_invalid
. Each of these elements is a struct with a count
element and a records
element. The records element will be an empty list or non-existent if there are no records in the given group; otherwise it will be a map. Depending on the parameters provided, this map will have either the usernames or token names as keys, and the mappings for that user or token as the value.
If the search parameters are such that the returned values are tokens, then each token struct will contain a list of user mappings; if the search parameters cause a token list to be returned, then its struct will contain a list of token mappings. In either case, the mappings will be added as a user_mappings
element on each returned record.
Token structs are of the following form:
Parameter | Type | Description |
token_id | String | The public ID of the token. |
token_type | String | The type of token, e.g. "Yubikey" or "OATH-TOTP" |
User structs contain the following elements:
Parameter | Type | Description |
user | String | The username, in user@domain format. |
Whichever are the mapping structs (not the returned records) will also contain the following information for each mapping:
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | String | The token status (either "Enabled" or "Disabled"). |
assigned_on | Int | The date that the token was assigned to the user, in Unix epoch format. |
Request Authentication Records
This endpoint returns a log the of authentications against the GreenRADIUS server, filtered according to provided criteria.
Request Type: GET
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/gras-authentication-request-records
"authentication_result": //List of strings.
"token_type": //List of strings.
"username": //List of strings
"token_id": //List of strings
"authentication_agent": //List of strings
"authentication_endpoint": //List of strings
"sort_by": //String
"sort_order": //String
"from_timestamp": //String. "Earliest date" for authentication requests, in seconds since
//00:00:00 on 1 January 1970 in the server's timezone
"to_timestamp": //String. "Latest date" for authentication requests, in the same format as above.
Parameter | Possible Values (more than one may be supplied) |
authentication_result | SUCCESS_2FA , SUCCESS_SF ,SUCCESS_TEMP ,FAILED |
token_type | ALL ,YUBIKEY ,OATH ,U2F ,MOBILE |
sort_order | ASC ,DESC |
List Block/Unblock Status
This endpoint returns the blocking status of users, supporting various filter configurations.
Request Type: GET
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/blocked-status
If no JSON data is supplied, then the request returns the blocking status of every user across all domains. Otherwise, a JSON map can be used containing one or more of the following filters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
users | List | A list of users, in user@domain format. |
pattern | String | A pattern string, in user@domain format. A ".*" expression can be provided to match some part of the username, e.g. "user.*@test" will match all users in domain test whose username starts with user . A domain cannot be partially specified and partially filled by the regex; either the whole domain must be supplied, or the regex must match the whole domain. |
state | List | Contains either or both of "blocked" , "unblocked" . Matches only the users in that state. |
Return Value
The return value on success will be a JSON map containing one entry for each user matching the pattern, plus an additional entry with the key "Reporting Time Zone"
, which lists the timezone in which GreenRADIUS is executing. This must be taken into account when converting UNIX timestamps into date/time structures.
For each of the users, their username (in user@domain format) will be the key for their entry in the map; the value will be a structure containing the following elements:
Key | Type | Description |
status | String | "blocked" or "unblocked" . |
last_failed_attempt_at | Integer | This entry is only present is status is blocked . If it is present, it contains the UNIX timestamp of the last failed login. |
Unblock Users
This endpoint unblocks users who have previously been blocked by exceeding the threshold for consecutive failed login attempts.
Request Type: PUT
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/unblock-users
The parameter should be a JSON map containing a single entry users
. The value of this entry should be an array of usernames, in user@domain format; each user in this array will be unblocked.
Return Value
A JSON map will be returned containing three sub-maps: records-unblocked
, and records_not_found
. Records in records_skipped
are those which were specified in the parameters, but which were already unblocked (unblocking them would be a no-op.) Each of these categories is in the following format:
Key | Type | Description |
count | Number | The number of records in this category |
records | List of strings | The users in this category, in user@domain format. |
Enable Token Assignment
This endpoint enables a set of given user/token mappings.
Request Type: PUT
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/tokenassignment/enable
The parameter should be a JSON map containing a single entry token_assignments
. The value of this entry should be an array of maps, each providing one mapping to enable. Each map must provide at least one of the following elements (if it is necessary to specify among many mappings for the user or token, both should be provided).
Key | Type | Description |
token_id | String | The public ID of a token mapped to the user. |
username | String | The username of the user with the mapping, in user@domain format. |
NOTE: The token_id
parameter currently supports only YubiKey OTP and Authenticator app tokens
Disable Token Assignment
This endpoint disables a set of given user/token mappings.
Request Type: PUT
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/tokenassignment/disable
The parameter should be a JSON map containing a single entry token_assignments
. The value of this entry should be an array of maps, each providing one mapping to disable. Each map must provide at least one of the following elements (if it is necessary to specify among many mappings for the user or token, both should be provided).
Key | Type | Description |
token_id | String | The public ID of a token mapped to the user. |
username | String | The username of the user with the mapping, in user@domain format. |
NOTE: The token_id
parameter currently supports only YubiKey OTP and Authenticator app tokens
Add a Temporary Token
This endpoint adds temporary tokens for the specified users.
Request Type: POST
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/temporary-tokens
This endpoint takes a JSON map containing a single entry temporary_tokens
, which is a list of records representing temporary tokens to add. Each record is a map in the following form:
Key | Type | Required | Description |
username | String | Yes | The user to add the token to, in user@domain format. |
expiry_date | Int | Yes | The expiration date for the token in Unix epoch time. |
temporary_token | String | Yes | The token that the user will use. Its length must match what is specified in Global Configuration, and the last six characters cannot be numeric. |
count_of_max_auth | Int | No | The maximum number of times the user will be allowed to authenticate with this token. Set this to 9999 for unlimited authentications. This defaults to 5 if not specified |
Return Value
The response will be a map containing three batch results: records_created
, records_invalid
, and records_skipped
Update a Temporary Token
Updates the parameters of one or more already-existing temporary tokens.
Request Type: PUT
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/temporary-tokens
Parameters & Return Value
The parameters and return values for updating temporary tokens are identical to the parameters for creating a temporary token; however, expiry_date
and temporary_token
are optional. If unspecified, these parameters will remain unmodified. Otherwise, the new values overwrite the old ones for that user's temporary token.
Delete a Temporary Token
Delete the temporary tokens of one or more users.
Request Type: DELETE
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/temporary-tokens
This endpoint takes a JSON map containing a single entry, usernames
, which should be a list of users whose temporary tokens should be deleted. The usernames should be in user@domain
Return Values
This returns a three batches: records_deleted
, records_invalid
, and records_skipped
, consistent with other endpoints.
Get Temporary Token Information
Get the details associated with the temporary tokens of one or more users.
Request Type: GET
Endpoint Path: /gras-api/v2/mgmt/temporary-tokens
This endpoint takes a JSON map containing a single entry, usernames
, which should be a list of users to get the temporary token information for. The usernames should be in user@domain
Return Values
The return value is three batches: records_found
, records_invalid
, records_skipped
. The records_found
entries will be maps representing a user-token mapping; these will be in the
same form as the parameters to the Add a Temporary Token endpoint.
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